Dec 02, 2011 | Dave Tiffin | 384 views
PeeWees Continue to Struggle
The Legion PeeWee team winless streak continues to grow, unfortunately. Defensively the team is playing pretty well, keeping the goals against relatively low. However scoring continues to be a problem. The most recent loss, 3-2 to Seaforth, saw goals from Jordan Pham and Colton Dunn, but 3 powerplay goals against cost the team dearly.
The coaching staff is optimistic that the goal scoring touch will come prior to the Silver Stick tournament in Kincardine over the Christmas holidays, and in time for the playoffs. Sam Marston continues to shine in goal for the PeeWees. Some lineup changes will come into effect as well. Most recently Colton Dunn moved from defence to right wing and that paid immediate dividends with a goal on Dec. 1. Trey Kikkert moved from left wing to Dunn's spot on defence and plays a steady heads up game in that role. Some further tweaking will no doubt be done as the coaches try to find a winning combination. The PeeWees play in Ripley on Dec. 5 and in Blyth on the 7th.