Mar 21, 2015 | Dave Tiffin | 1457 views
PeeWee Reps Win Young Canada Tournament
On March
13-15, the Wingham Legion PeeWee Reps put together a five game win streak that
culminated in a championship for Wingham at Young Canada Week in Goderich, the
first time in 30 years.
The three preliminary round games saw Wingham cruise to 5-0, 5-0 and 4-1 victories with solid team play. In the semi-finals after a slow start, and getting down 1-0 early, the team showed resilience and heart to mount a comeback in a 3-1 victory. This set the stage for a championship matchup against the West Grey Warriors on Sunday, March 15. Although Wingham out-chanced West Grey for the majority of this exciting game, along with solid goaltending and team defence, the game ended in a 1-1 tie. This set the stage for a thrilling double overtime which saw the Wingham PeeWee Reps prevail later in the second overtime to secure a 2-1 win and championship honours. Congratulations to the players for a fitting end to this season. Their team play, outstanding goaltending and team defence (only 3 goals against allowed in 5 games!) and dogged determination as a group is to be commended.