Dec 19, 2011 | cameronm | 1158 views
Atom Reps Finish Season With A Win
The Atom Reps then proceeded into the final 3 games of their regular season by facing Ripley and Seaforth. Wingham began with a 4-2 win over Ripley. Goals were scored by Thomas Gangl, Brenden Gallaher, Josh Pham and Darby Kikkert, with assists going to Ben MacLean, Blake Goodall, Leif Skelding, Nigel Fitch and Tyson Michie.
Next, Wingham played an inspired game against Seaforth. Although finding themselves down 3 goals by the mid-point of the game, they began to march back in the second half, tying things up at 4 a piece with three and half minutes left in the game. However, in spite of numerous flurries around the Seaforth net, it was the Seaforth team who scored the 5th and deciding goal. Goals were scored by Leif Skelding, Connor Dickson, Thomas Gangl and Brenden Gallaher, with assists going to Gangl, Gallaher, and Hayden Robinson. Special thanks to Josiah Moores for offering solid backstopping in goal on short notice. The final game of regular season play saw the Foxton Fuels' Atom Reps savour a 3-1 victory over Ripley on home ice. Josh Pham scored the first two Wingham goals, with an assist to Brenden Gallaher and 2 assists to Haydn Robinson. Leif Skelding scored the third assurance goal early in the third period, assisted by fellow winger Sam Young. The Foxton Fuels Atom Rep team is eager to start both the OMHA and WOAA playoffs in January.