Dec 05, 2011 | cameronm | 996 views
Wingham Atom Reps continue to work hard
Foxton Fuels Wingham Atom Rep hockey team continues to battle hard as they face strong competition. While this young team has had 3 more close games added to the loss column, there are many good things happening. They have remained in contention right up until the dying minutes in each game. They are creating scoring opportunities from multiple sources, making opponents struggle for their chances, and working hard to play together as a team. In the last 3 games, Josh Pham has scored 2 goals, Connor Dickson 2 goals, Thomas Gangl 2 goals, Brenden Gallaher 2 goals and Darby Kikkert 1 goal. Assists have gone to Nigel Fitch, Leif Skelding, Hayden Robinson, Wade Robinson, Kikkert and Dickson. The Foxton Fuels Atom Rep team continue to work diligently to improve their game and their record.