Half Ice Board Sponsors, News (Wingham Minor Hockey)

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Jan 16, 2020 | Dave Tiffin | 751 views
Half Ice Board Sponsors
Wingham Minor Hockey would like to say a huge THANK YOU to local sponsors who have helped with the cost of the new half ice boards.  These boards were mandated by Hockey Canada to help younger players develop their skills on a smaller ice service, but each hockey association had to fund their own purchase.  The boards have been in use for a few weeks now.  Logos of the sponsors will be added a.s.a.p.  The generosity shown by these sponsors help WMHA keep the registration costs as low as possible.

WMHA also appreciates the annual sponsorship received from various businesses.  These businesses can be seen on the pictures of the 2019-20 teams at the Complex.
Those sponsoring the half ice boards are:
Knights of Columbus, Wingham Optometry Clinic, Marks Auto Body, Frosty Queen, Lions Club, Wingham Legion, Sportsmens Club, Hitman Softball Club, Huron Rust Proof, AECON & Horton's Dairy.