Jan 12, 2014 | Dave Tiffin | 1839 views
Midgets Play Well in International Silver Stick
The Wingham Midgets had a 2-2 record in play at the International Silver Stick in Forest on Jan. 10-11, 2014.
Wingham won 2 games in the round robin play, defeating East Lambton 3-2 in a shootout and South Bruce (Teeswater/Mildmay) 3-2, and falling to Port Dover 4-2. That set up a semi-final rematch game against South Bruce. Unfortunately, SB was victorious this time by a 3-1 score.
South Bruce went on to defeat Port Dover 3-2 in Overtime to win the championship. Wingham had a very tournament, playing both finalists very close and defeating South Bruce in the round robin.
Congratulations Midgets and good luck in the playoffs.