Dec 10, 2012 | Dave Tiffin | 1699 views
Atoms Win 2 in Silverstick
The Foxton Fuels Atom Rep team were 2-1 in Regional Silverstick Tournament play.
The team played well in the tournament, but one bad period cost them the chance to move on. On Dec. 4 the team downed Ripley 5-2 and on Dec. 7th defeated a strong Shallow Lake team 1-0. On Saturday they just couldn't get it going in the first period and were down 3-0 to Drayton after 1. They were able to get a goal back in the 2nd, but that was all that would cross the line for a 3-1 final. Drayton won the group with 3 wins, defeated TCDMHA in the semi finals and lost to Six Nations 5-1 in the "C" final. All Silverstick scores can be found on the Regional Silverstick page available through our Links page.